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Planning for PRP Injection in Kent to Relieve your Pain?

PRP injections are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of conditions ranging from sports injuries to hair loss. If you're thinking about getting a PRP injection in KENT, then Kent MSK Clinic is a solution for your pain. 

In this Article Let’s break down what PRP is and how it works. Take a Look! 

What is PRP and how does it work? 

Have you heard of any athletes taking PRP injections to help heal an injury? These blood-based shots are increasingly being used to treat sports injuries and aid in the healing of wounds following surgery. 

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a substance that enhances healing when injected into the body. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy accelerates the repair of injured tendons, muscles, and joints by injecting a concentration of the patient's platelets.  

PRP injections work by utilizing the patient’s healing system to alleviate musculoskeletal issues. 

Purposes of PRP Injections: 

PRP injections are being tested in a variety of applications by researchers. These are some examples: 



  • Hair Loss 
  • Muscle Injuries 
  • Postsurgical Repair 
  • Tendon Injuries 
  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Joint Injuries 
  • Urogenital disorders. 

Does PRP work? 

More research should be done to check on what conditions PRP can work effectively. So far, studies revealed that PRP speeds up healing after injury or surgery for certain conditions. 

To prepare a PRP injection, there is no universally accepted "correct procedure." Several elements could influence the success rate of a PRP injection and there is a large room for research. 

PRP Injections: How Long Do They Last? 

The following are some of the most important things to consider when evaluating how long PRP injections last: 

  • The condition that the PRP injection is used to treat 
  • The patient's health 
  • The body's response to the first PRP treatment 

What are the side effects of PRP Injections? 

As PRP involves injecting a substance into the skin, there are potential side effects. 

  • Temporary bleeding and pain at the injection site. 

  • Swelling. 

  • Mild infection. 

  • Risk of a blood clot. 

Discuss and seek doctor’s advice to minimize these risks. 

Overall, PRP injections for arthritis pain management and treatment are enticing rather than living with pain or going for invasive surgery. You can experience the benefits of PRP Within a week of receiving the first injection with Kent MSK clinic. Book your consultation now! @01634500234
